Much Woolton Catholic Primary School

Mission Statement, Values and Ethos

‘With Jesus we love, learn and grow’


To do this we will:

    • Be a Christian community that follows Jesus in living out Gospel values; ‘With Jesus’ (Christ centred)
    • Be a beacon of light that shines out to others, sharing faith, hope and love; ‘Love’ (Community)
    • Provide opportunities for all to grow and achieve by igniting a desire for life long learning; ‘Learn and grow’ (Education)

Objectives: Christ Centred

  • Provide quality collective worship and enriching liturgical celebrations
  • Enable our children to acquire an excellent religious education and develop their relationship with God
  • Encourage a sense of justice, peace and stewardship of our global community

Objectives: Education

  • Provide a stimulating curriculum that develops a passion for learning, curiosity about our world and enables children to be agents for change
  • Value our pupils and staff, appreciating their uniqueness and individual talents, enabling them to be the best they can be
  • Have high expectations of ourselves and others in all that we do
  • Strive for all to reach their full potential by building resilience and having high aspirations

Objectives: Community

  • Create a safe, happy environment where all feel valued and welcomed
  • Develop positive links between the school and parish
  • Recognise that each person is an extraordinary work of art
  • Take stewardship of our local and global community to enrich the lives of others

Our core curriculum values are Aspiration, Achievement, Resilience and Curiosity. You can read more about our curriculum here.