Our staff team
Leadership Team
Mr. M White Head Teacher (0.5)
Mrs. M Wilson Head of School/ Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs P Regan Deputy Head of School/ RE and RSE, Year 2 Teacher ( 1 day per week)
Miss C Wilson Assistant Head / Health & Wellbeing, Key Stage 1 Lead, Year 2 Teacher
Mrs. J Burke School Business Manager
Miss S Preston
Teaching Team Responsibilities
Mr N Hughes EYFS Class 1 EYFS Lead practitioner/ Design Technology Lead- SMT
Miss A Connolly EYFS Class 2 ECT 2
Miss F Garvey EYFS LSA
Mrs D Myers HLTA
Year 1
Mrs S Molloy Year 1 Class 3 Mathematics Lead
Mrs R Kelly Year 1 Class 4 History Lead
Mrs E Niblock Year 1 HLTA
Year 2
Mrs K Deeny / Year 2 Class 5 Science Lead
Mrs P Regan Deputy Head of School/ RE and RSE
Miss C Wilson Year 2 Class 6 Health & Wellbeing Lead (inc PSHE and PE)
Mrs J Crennell Year 2 LSA
Year 3
Mr M Morris Year 3 Class 8 Geography Lead
Mrs S McDonald Year 3 Class 7 English & Phonics Lead
Mrs J Smallwood Year 3 LSA
Year 4
Mrs H Wright Year 4 Class 9 Music Lead
Miss S Preston Year 4 Class 10 SENCo/School Council
Miss C Carty ECT 2
Miss T Reid Year 4 LSA
Mrs P Heakin 1:1
Mrs C Parkinson 1:1
Year 5
Miss S Webster Year 5 Class 11 Art Lead
Mrs N Davies Year 5 Class 12 Design and Technology/. Spanish/ Outdoor Play and Learning Lead
Mrs V Fearnehough Year 5 LSA
Year 6
Mrs E Foreman Year 6 Class 13 English and Phonics team/ Inclusion Quality Mark
Mr A Simpson Year 6 Class 14 Computing/ Extra Curricular & KS2 Lead
Miss N McCloud Year 6 LSA
Sports Coach Mr. A Hathaway
Administration Staff
Mrs C O’Brien Administration Assistant
Mrs J Keegan Administration Assistant
Catering and Breakfast and Lunch Staff
Mr. Paul McCann Head Chef
Miss K Robb Assistant Chef
Mrs A Brandon Kitchen Assistant
Mrs P Dowd Breakfast Club
Mrs. J. Stanley Breakfast Club/ Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs. A. Spence Breakfast Club/ Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs M Hardaker Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs N Norris Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs B Gormely Lunchtime Supervisor
Miss K Hollis Lunchtime Supervisor
Site Staff
Mr M Murphy Site Manager
Mrs. J. Downey Cleaning