Much Woolton Catholic Primary School


Our Governing body is made up of of representatives from our parish and school community, as well as staff and parents. They offer support and challenge to the school to ensure we fulfil our aims and mission whilst striving to provide the best education possible for our children.

Minutes of meetings are made available retrospectively and once they have been approved at the following meeting (ie Spring minutes are approved at the Summer meeting).

The full governing body (FGB) meets termly, with committees that report to the FGB meeting termly or more frequently if required. .

Our Governors strive to get to know our staff and children whilst continuing in their own jobs and community roles and many try to visit their adopted classes termly if they can.

The documents attached to this page outline who our Governors are and the roles they have.

The Governing Body should be made up of twelve Governors, seven of whom are appointed by the Archdiocese of Liverpool (known as Foundation Governors), one who is appointed by the Local Authority and two representatives each from the parental body and staff.

Below is the statutory information required to be published about our Governing Body.

Name Role Appointment date Appointer Term of office Attendance at meetings this year 2023-24 Apologies
Mrs Anna-Marie Brown Foundation Governor- Chair 04/09/23 Archdiocese Of Liverpool 4 years 3/3
Mrs Patricia Davies Foundation Governor 03/11/20 Archdiocese Of Liverpool 4 years 1/3 Yes accepted
Mrs Helen Bradshawe Foundation Governor 09/02/21 Archdiocese Of Liverpool 4 years 2/3 Yes accepted
Mr Jim Carson Foundation Governor 01/09/22 Archdiocese Of Liverpool 4 years 2/3 Yes, accepted
Mrs Mary Monkhouse Foundation Governor 11/11/23 Archdiocese Of Liverpool 4 years 3/3
Mrs Ann-Marie Parr Foundation Governor 01/09/22 Archdiocese Of Liverpool 4 years 3/3
Howard Winik Local Authority Governor- Vice Chair 19/05/20 Local Authority 4 years 3/3
John Grace Parent Governor 01/02/24 Parental Body 4 years 2/2
Kate Loftus Parent Governor 01/02/24 Parental Body 4 years 2/2
Ged Joliffe Foundation Governor 12/09/24  Archdiocese Of Liverpool 4 years
Vacancy Foundation Governor
Mr Matthew White Headteacher 01/09/11- Full Governing Body By virtue of post 3/3
Mr Andrew Simpson Staff Governor 26.10.23 Staff 4 years 2/3 Yes accepted

We currently have vacancies for one Foundation governor.

*Number attended from  number of meetings scheduled to attend during last academic year

Associate Membership

Associate members are invited by the Governing Body to attend committee meetings and / or the full meeting to inform or advise the meeting on any pertinent issues. They do not have voting rights which are solely for the Governors named above. Our Associate members are:

Fr Tim Buckley, Cssr. Parish Priest

Mrs Marie Wilson, Head of School

Mrs Julie Burke, School Business Manager

Mrs Maria McGarry, Archdiocesan advisor

Mrs Joanne Richardson, Clerk to the Governing Body


If you have concerns regarding safeguarding and are unhappy with the actions of our safeguarding team,  Mrs Regan and Mrs Wilson, please contact ,Mrs Helen Bradshawe our designated safeguarding governor, via the school office.

If your concerns regarding safeguarding are about Mr White, our Executive Headteacher or Mrs Wilson, Head of School, you may contact Mrs Helen Bradshawe, safeguarding governor regarding allegations against the Headteacher, via the school office.


Governors convene committees for a number of reasons. Our regular committees oversee pay decisions as well as our admissions policy and admissions process in the spring of each year.

Link Governors

We have replaced our Standards and Resources committees with Link Governors whose role it is to oversee, support and challenge the effectiveness of key areas within our school. These are:

Safeguarding: Mrs Anne-Marie Parr . Concerns about the Headteacher should be addressed to the Chair.

Curriculum: Mrs Helen Bradshawe and Mrs Patricia Davies

Catholic Life: Mrs Mary Monkhouse

Health and Safety: Mr Jim Carson

Finance and Pupil premium:  Mr Howard Winik



Pecuniary Interests

Governors are required to declare any interests they have, including working as a governor at another educational establishment. These are as follows:

Mrs Cath Higgins-  Her company, Catherine Higgins Law, sponsors our school newsletter and carries out some legal work on behalf of the school, pro bono.

Mr Matthew White- voluntary  Chair of Food For Thought Ltd, school catering company which is owned by the schools involved. Director, Merseyside Sports Partnership


Minutes of previous meetings

Below are the discussed, ratified and approved minutes of full governing body meetings.

Full governing body minutes Spring 2024

Full governing body minutes Autumn 2023

Full governing body minutes Summer 2023

Full governing body minutes Spring 2023

Full governing body minutes Autumn 2023

Full Governing Body minutes Summer 2022

Full Governing Body Minutes Spring 2022

Full Governing Body minutes Autumn 2021

Full Governing Body minutes Summer 2021

Full Governing Body Minutes Spring 2021

Full Governing Body Meeting Autumn 2020















