Much Woolton Catholic Primary School


Our children and school community are proud of our uniform and how smart the children are when they come into school each day. Taking pride in our appearance is an important life skill that we encourage our children to learn and supports their confidence and self esteem. We expect families to support our uniform code, stated below and expect our children to look after their belongings at all times. Please label all your child’s items as this helps greatly when items are mislaid.

Our uniform can be purchased from either Kitted Out (Allerton Road) or Ski Fit, via our school office.

Boys Girls
Grey trousers

White shirt

Badged royal blue v neck jumper

School tie

Grey socks

Black shoes (not trainers)


Grey skirt or pinafore

White blouse

Badged royal blue  cardigan

School tie

White socks

Black shoes (not trainers or sandals)


Boys Girls
Grey trousers

White  polo shirt

Blue checked gingham dress

Black shoes or sandals


PE Kit (all children)

Blue badged PE shirt

Blue shorts

black pumps (children will be notified when trainers are required)

Blue tracksuit bottoms

Blue coat

On designated PE days children owning PE kit with tracksuit bottoms may wear their uniform for the day, this helps lessen changing time and lost uniform.