Much Woolton Catholic Primary School


Our Curriculum

At Much Woolton we provide a curriculum through which we live out our Mission ‘With Jesus we love, learn and grow’. Our curriculum is designed to enable every child to thrive through holistic provision that tries to find and nurture every child’s talents.

Our engaging curriculum ensures that children develop a passion for learning and a curiosity about our world which enables them to ‘be the best they can be’. This takes place both within and beyond the classroom through well planned and constructed curricular and enrichment experiences that both engage and motivate our children to learn and grow.

We are committed to providing rich, engaging learning which has the highest aspirations for our children and community, taking place in a safe and stimulating environment that values our children.

Our curriculum will continue to develop, as research advances and will match our children’s needs as they change also.

Key drivers


“So be sure when you step, step with care and great tact. And remember that life’s A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) Kid, you’ll move mountains.” Dr Seuss

  • We will give our children at Much Woolton a range of broad, varied and rich experiences that help them to aim high and be their best selves
  • We will introduce vocabulary beyond the primary curriculum where appropriate
  • We will raise awareness of the concept of a lifelong educational learning journey i.e. nursery – primary – secondary – post 16 – higher education- life beyond school
  • We will make our children aware that education improves career and life chances understanding the concept of choice
  • We will give our children experience of life beyond the area they live and the possibilities the world has to offer them


“The expert in anything was once a beginner.” – Helen Hayes

  • We will give our children high quality learning that helps them ‘be the best they can be’
  • We have the highest expectations of our children and they will develop the highest expectations of themselves
  • We will show our children the endless potential they have to achieve well
  • We will work with sporting, business and educational partners to raise standards and aim high
  • We will teach our children to communicate effectively as global citizens


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston Churchill

  • We will teach our children to solve their own problems
  • We will teach our children to face up to challenges they previously thought would be impossible
  • We will enable our children to think big and set their own goals
  • We will support our children to achieve their goals
  • We will give them opportunity to discover talents and gifts beyond the curriculum
  • We will provide enrichment activities that support us in this through trips, a range of visitors, residential opportunities and a broad experiential curriculum.


“If I see anything around me, it is precisely that spirit of adventure which seems indestructible and is akin to curiosity” Marie Curie

  • We will teach our children to question
  • Our children will learn to ask ‘What if?’
  • We will enable our children to develop a curiosity about the world around them
  • Our children will learn that they are only limited by the breadth of their imaginations
  • Our children will learn curiosity from examples current and historical characters

Teachers post ‘Learning Journeys’ for each term on their class pages which provide further detailed explanations of the learning our children engage with.

In Religious Education we follow ‘Come and See,’ the recommended programme of study for the Archdiocese of Liverpool.

In English, we use the ‘Read Write Inc’ programme for EYFS and Key Stage 1 children, which also includes learning of phonics. In Key Stage 2 we use ‘a quality text’ based approach to engage our children in high quality reading and writing.

In Mathematics we use a Maths No Problem and NCETM materials to support mathematical learning.

Our Science, History and Geography subjects use the Ark curriculum as a basis for learning in these subjects.

Art, Design Technology, PSHE and Computing use Kapow resources to support learning in these subjects.

In PE we use Get Set 4 PE  to support our learning currently.

Please see subject tabs for the curriculum map and progression document for each subject.