Much Woolton Catholic Primary School

COVID Guidance for Parents

In opening school, we have followed national and local guidance in minimising the risk of COVID infection to those on site through a number of measures and thorough risk assessment process. Our risk assessment can be found here.

The government is providing a catch-up premium fund to help us support our children in closing learning gaps created by lost learning time due to the pandemic. You can find the report on how we intend to spend this funding here.

Parents and families are asked to adhere to the following from school to support the health of our school community:

  • All adults and secondary aged pupils no longer are required to wear face coverings on site, however those that do should not be discouraged from doing so.

Suspected cases

If your child has any of the following symptoms;

A new or continuous cough; a temperature of 37.8 degrees or above; a change/ loss of their sense of taste or smell

If in school they  will be isolated in our sick bay with a member of staff and will be sent home immediately along with any siblings.

You will be asked to get your child tested and advised that your child cannot return to school until they return 2 negative LFt tests on days 6 and 7 after testing positive.

The following chart will help in this process:

Should there be 5 or more ‘linked’ cases within the school (same class/year group/ friendship or family groups etc) then Public Health will advise of next steps.

If your child becomes symptomatic during the weekend, please let us know immediately by emailing:

With the following details:

Name of child

Class and year group

Names of any siblings in school with year groups also.

Day/ date and time of symptoms first showing

Type of symptom

A contact phone number. A member of staff will contact you at some point in the weekend to further advise and support you.

If you have any concerns about the welfare and safety of a child, please call Careline on 0151 2333700 or Childline on 08001111.

If you believe a child is in immediate danger, then please call the Police on 999.

If you would like to talk to a member of our staff about a child’s welfare, please call  07933786780

Start and end of day procedures

EYFS children are dropped off at their gate at 8.45am and picked up from here at 3.30pm.

Y1,2,3,4 children plus siblings are dropped off at the Children’s entrance at 8.45am.

Y5 and 6 children enter school at 8.45am at the Main entrance.

All children can be picked up from school between 3.30 and 3.45pm. Parents line up at the Children’s entrance and follow the one-way system, picking up their children before exiting the site via  the Main entrance.

Visiting school

Any parent wishing to speak to the office will be asked to hand sanitise before entering  the main building.

Meetings will be held in well ventilated rooms and be subject to standard restrictions on numbers for safety reasons.