Much Woolton Catholic Primary School


At Much Woolton our Geography curriculum inspires pupils to be curious and fascinated about the world in which we live in. We equip pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. Through our broad and balanced curriculum we enable our children to develop geographical knowledge and skills that are progressive and also transferable during their time at our school and beyond.

Geography is a sacred subject

Geography enables all learners to experience the beauty, awe and wonder of God’s world and to develop an awareness of their place in it. All places and spaces have a history behind them shaped by humans, location, climate, and politics. Geography gives us a spatial awareness of the globe and serves to form respectful attitudes that serve to remind students that we are stewards and not masters of creation. 

Files to download

Geography Policy – 2024

Geography Long Term Plan 2024-2025

Geography Curriculum Map 2024

Primary Geography Design Architecture