Much Woolton Catholic Primary School

Year 1


Welcome to Year 1.


Our staff in Year 1 are:

Mrs S Molloy, Class 3 teacher

Mrs R Kelly, Class 4 teacher

Mrs E Niblock, Learning support assistant


Useful Information: 

Please continue to access Oxford Owl eBooks to read at home with your children. Logins are as follows:

Class 3

Username muchwooltonclass3

Password muchwooltonclass3

Class 4

Username muchwooltony1

Password muchwooltonclass4

Reading books will go home on a Monday and must be returned to school on a Friday. Children should read a range of texts at home during the weekend.


Year 1’s PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. It is important that children come to school in their PE kit and trainers/pumps on these days.


Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for regular updates of what we have been up to during our busy days.



Please have a look at our mastery maths video to help at home. 


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